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United Designs Alliance

Patrycja Longawa

Executive Director Jedlicze, Poland Patrycja Longawa was born in 1988 in Sanok, Poland. In 2012, she obtained the Master of Fine Arts majoring in Art Education with a specialization in painting at the University… Read More »Patrycja Longawa

Albert Young Choi

President Emeritus Executive Director Seoul, Korea UDA President Emeritus (2020-present)United Designs Biennial Chief Director (2004-present)UDA President (2014-2019)Professor, Hanyang University (Korea)Honorary Professor, Shanghai Normal University (China)Assistant Professor, University of North Texas (USA)Owner, C&C Design (Los Angeles,… Read More »Albert Young Choi

Ryan Doggendorf

UDA Medallion 2013 Graphic Designer Dog & Dwarf St. Louis, Missouri, USA Dog & Dwarf is the one-man design studio of Ryan Doggendorf. The work concentrates dually on strengths in design and illustration. Under this… Read More »Ryan Doggendorf

Sebastian Guerrini

UDA Medallion 2013 Graphic Designer Barcelona-Buenos Aires Sebastian Guerrini is a Designer in Visual Communica­tion (Argentina), a graduate in Communication Tech­nologies (Netherlands) and Doctor of Philosophy in Communication and Image Studies at the University of… Read More »Sebastian Guerrini

Baik, Kumnam

UDA Medallion 2013 Graphic Designer Seoul, Korea Baik, Kum-nam was born in Euijoo, Pyunganbukdo Province in North Korea. During the Korean Civil War, he took refuge in Pusan and spent his youth in Daegu. He… Read More »Baik, Kumnam

Johnathan Coy

UDA Medallion 2013 Graphic Designer Los Angeles, California, USA John Coy has practiced design in Los Angeles since graduating from Art Center College of Design. He headed COY, LOS ANGELES which was an internationally recognized… Read More »Johnathan Coy

2nd GVC 2013

Global Visual Culture 2nd International Design Symposium 21 August 2013 at 17:00 Gallery 210The University of Missouri St. Louis (UMSL) Symposium Moderator Jennifer McKnightAssociate Professor of Graphic DesignThe University of Missouri St. Louis  Presentations Maximizing… Read More »2nd GVC 2013

Yiorgos Tsangaris

UDA Medallion 2011 Graphic Designer Nicosia, Cyprus Yiorgos Tsangaris studied graphic arts at the London institute/the London college of printing and animation at the bristol school of animation of the university of the west of… Read More »Yiorgos Tsangaris

Jan Rajlich Jr.

UDA Medallion 2011 Graphic Designer Czech Republic Born 1950 in Vyskov, the Czech Republic. His father, Jan Rajlich, is a graphic designer and the founder of Brno Biennale.

Evripides Zantides

UDA Medallion 2011 Graphic Designer Cyprus Evripides Zantides is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology. He has presented papers in many international confer­ences on… Read More »Evripides Zantides

1st GVC 2011

Global Visual Culture 1st International Design Symposium 30 June 2011 at 18:00 Amphitheatre LefkosiaCyprus University of Technology Symposium Moderator Evripides ZantidesDepartment of Multimedia and Graphic ArtsCyprus University of Technology Presentations Verbal / Image and the… Read More »1st GVC 2011

Todd Gallopo

UDA Medallion 2009 Graphic Designer Los Angeles, California, USA Meat and Potatoes, Inc. is a comprehensive design firm based in Burbank, California. Since 2000, the studio has specialized in print, packaging, and advertising design, with… Read More »Todd Gallopo


UDA Medallion 2009 Graphic Design Company Québec, Canada Subcommunication is a young design studio whose commitment to high standards has made it a respected member of the graphic arts and new media community in Montreal.… Read More »Subcommunication

Studio AND

UDA Medallion 2009 Graphic Design Company San Francisco, California, USA AND stands for ‘connection’. You AND us. Your idea AND our creation. As a word that can not be used alone, AND creates compelling visual… Read More »Studio AND

Frank+Victor Design

UDA Medallion 2009 Graphic Design Company Austin, Texas, USA Josh Finto and Chris Visit started Frank+Victor Design because they saw a tremendous opportunity to improve the experience of working with a creative agency. Polar opposites… Read More »Frank+Victor Design


UDA Medallion 2009 Production Company Italy Fabrica is an applied creativity laboratory, a talent incubator, a studio of sorts in which young, modern artists come from all over the world to develop innovative projects and… Read More »Fabrica