10th United Designs Biennial 2021 Online
Online exhibition opening_Wednesday, October 13 at 11:00 pm MICHIGAN, USA
Messages to Humanity
Poster Exhibition
Our world is in crisis because we lose ‘Love and Forgiveness’ over our desires. Greed leads us not to trust and care for our neighbors and living in the world. This exhibition is a collection of the messages — Love and Forgiveness — to realize our coexistence in this fragile world. Each nation and culture has positive quotations about ‘Love and Forgiveness’ designed to better understand themselves as responsible citizens in society. These unique posters represent those cultural quotations around the world. Each designer expresses the message through the typography of their writing system.
Most importantly, all participants share their kindness with a good heart. All visitors will realize our existence in the world from the exhibition of the designers’ personal experiences. Furthermore, we hope that designers and visitors will practice ‘Love and Forgiveness’ to make this world safe and harmonious for us and the next generation.

Online SYMPOSIUM_Wednesday, October 13 at 1200 pm MICHIGAN, USA
6th GVC 2021
Global Visual Culture Symposium
“The Visuals distinguish a Culture from the Cultures.” (Albert Young Choi, c. 2009)
We are connected as human beings in many different ways, but the essential connection among people is communication-based visuals. Over our human history, we have created visuals to share the similarities and to differentiate the dissimilarity. Those historical artifacts become cultural icons for the particular culture, nation, and race. We humans have created visuals to decorate these artifacts; the artifacts are the visuals. Even in today’s complicated network of people, fundamental communication will never change the visuals that we understand. The Global Visual Culture Symposium (GVC Symposium) gathers educators, practitioners, researchers, thinkers, and students in the visual communication design disciplines. We share our thoughts and find our communication for our generation and beyond.
Mediator: Robert Hower
UDA Vice President of Design Education
Professor of Art and Art History at the University of Texas at Arlington
Together in Sport: A Graphic Design Case Study from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Agora
by Kelly Salchow MacArthur
President of United Designs Alliance
Professor of Graphic Design at Michigan State University
The Olympic Games culminate the athlete’s many years of sacrifice and effort. The Olympics are the destination after a long, painful, arduous journey that tests physical, spiritual, and mental will. During this brief two-week span, the world turns its attention to the feats of amateur athletes who may generally be otherwise inconspicuous. Olympic Culture is a global sisterhood and brotherhood of respect for this peaceful and unparalleled experience.
As an Olympian Artist in Residence, I designed 5 Noren curtains (traditional Japanese panels hanging at entryways) to visualize resilience, determination, optimism, and global solidarity ingrained in sports and cultural values. This case study will share the creative process and the results of the project.
Augmented Reality for Packaging: Exploring Identities.
by Linh Dao
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at California Polytechnic State University
Beverage labels captivate and fascinate. Some excite with promises of novelties, while others connect deeper, reaching for similarity or intimacy. Yet they all have one thing in common: they vary in their levels of authenticity. Designers tell stories for their clients. Some never get to tell their own.
A package design expresses brand identity and personal identities, in addition to building relationships with consumers. In the classroom, such a project should encourage students to tell their own stories, especially if they belong to an underrepresented or marginalized community.
My presentation explains how augmented reality can be used to add interactive storytelling elements to a traditional beverage label package design. It outlines the appropriate parameters of such a project for a graphic design classroom, including contextual background, technology implementation, and limitations. It also includes student deliverables consisting of print designs and augmented reality extensions playable on mobile devices.
Exploring the Beauty of Korea Utilizing “Hangeul-Gak” Typography
by Dr. Albert Young Choi
Emeritus President of United Designs Alliance
Professor of Communication Design at Hanyang University ERICA, Korea
Letters are an essential element of typography that gives meaning to humanity as symbols. These symbols become sounds and transmit to the flow of air. In a while, the sounds remain as a picture and become a memory.
I explored Hangeul typography for the last three decades and found the Hangeul-Gak style, which is the critical style of my design and art. Hangul-gak is the expression of Hangeul itself, in which letters become sounds but become pictures and symbols. Hence, the picturesque representation of Hangeul-gak typography designs emphasizes Korea’s unique culture and identity and creates a new form and style. Therefore, I am pleased to show my past and present Hangeul-Gak typography experiments in the presentation.
I continue experimenting with Hangeul-gak typography to find the answer; the question has never existed.

A Message from the President of UDA
Prof. Kelly Salchow MacArthur
Welcome to the 10th United Designs 2021.
We held this celebration virtually for the first time, with 69 designers from 15 nations.
2021 finds us at an uncertain point in history. Over the past year, humankind has been challenged and impacted on a vast scale in ways that our generation has never before faced. But we have persevered and have looked towards hope.
The theme of the 10th United Designs, Messages to Humanity, is an especially timely and fitting call to designers to visualize our emotions, our experiences, our beliefs, our struggles, and our strengths. This event—and this organization—unifies us. As graphic design students, educators, and practitioners, we are empowered to represent, inform, and persuade through visual and conceptual tools. Through the United Designs Alliance (UDA), we do so through hope and connection as integral parts of a global community of citizen designers.
Our cooperative group of unique individuals—speaking different languages and practicing different customs—embraces the richness of our diversity while celebrating our common humanity. UDA is committed to fostering cooperation, inclusion, development, celebration, success, and collaboration across borders. We will continue to initiate and share design education and practice opportunities with you, and we hope you will further circulate them in your communities.
Thank you for your contributions to this dynamic community of peers.
May we meet again in person in the year 2022.

Welcoming Remarks from the Director of United Designs Biennial
Dr. Albert Young Choi
We have survived many disasters and difficulties. We have done so much, and we did so little to prevent or redefine its consequences. And, when we have pain, we always want to find a cure with our instinct. Finally, we will find the answer.
My heart hurt when I saw my friends suffering during the pandemic, which I will never forget. I wanted to protect my family. As a friend, I tried to nurture neighbors. I wanted to teach students effectively utilizing technology. I tried to answer my presence as a designer, and as a United Designer, I tried to secure this organization. Therefore, after two years of stillness, we had to continue our United Designs Biennial this year to share our presence with fellow designers and educators worldwide.
I humbly thank 69 designers from 15 countries for sharing their hearts to express the messages to humanity by designing beautiful posters. Each poster says love and forgiveness in the designer’s unique language and culture.
We all belong to each other. You will discover our identity in this online exhibition. I hope I can see you again next United Designs Biennial. Until then, take care of yourself and others.
Chief Director: Dr. Albert Young Choi
Co-Directors: Robert Hower, Zhao Zhiyoung, and Astrid Kensinger

Online exhibition opening_Wednesday, October 13 at 10:00 pm KOREA
Messages to Humanity Poster Exhibition
Participants: 69 Participants from 15 Nations
Our world is in crisis because we lose ‘Love and Forgiveness’ over our desires. Greed leads us not to trust and care for our neighbors and living in the world. This exhibition is a collection of the messages — Love and Forgiveness — to realize our coexistence in this fragile world. Each nation and culture has positive quotations about ‘Love and Forgiveness’ designed to help people better understand themselves as responsible citizens in society. These unique posters represent those cultural quotations around the world. Each designer expresses the message through the typography of their writing system.
Most importantly, all participants share their kindness with a good heart. All visitors will realize our existence in the world from the exhibition of the designers’ personal experiences. Furthermore, we hope that designers and visitors will practice ‘Love and Forgiveness’ to make this world safe and harmonious for us and the next generation.
Online SYMPOSIUM_Wednesday, October 13 at 11:30 pm KOREA
6th GVC 2021
Global Visual Culture Symposium
Mediator: Robert Hower (USA)
Kelly Salchow MacArthur (USA)
Linh Dao (USA)
Albert Young Choi (Korea)
“The Visuals distinguish a Culture from the Cultures.” (Albert Young Choi, c. 2009)
We are connected as human beings in many different ways, but the essential connection among people is communication-based visuals. Over our human history, we have created visuals to share the similarities and to differentiate the dissimilarity. Those historical artifacts become cultural icons for the particular culture, nation, and race. We humans have created visuals to decorate these artifacts; the artifacts are the visuals. Even in today’s complicated network of people, fundamental communication will never change the visuals that we understand. The Global Visual Culture Symposium (GVC Symposium) gathers educators, practitioners, researchers, thinkers, and students in the visual communication design disciplines. We share our thoughts and find our communication for our generation and beyond.