Invited International Exhibition
UDA Members Only
We are proud to present the UDA Showcase, our esteemed annual international exhibition that celebrates the artistry and innovation in design. This event invites our members to explore diverse design philosophies, fostering connections and collaboration within our distinguished community. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants who contributed to this remarkable gathering.
Join us in this dynamic exhibition that inspires creativity and encourages peer dialogue. The UDA Showcase promises to be an unforgettable experience, highlighting the beauty of design and enriching your professional journey. Embrace this opportunity to celebrate and elevate the world of design with us!
Important Deadlines
- By the First Monday of November: Submit Images and InDesign files
- On the last Monday of December: e-book publication
Copyright: The entrant will be responsible for all matters regarding the entry’s copyright. All posters will become the Collection of United Designs. The organizer reserves the right to use all information provided by the entrants and the right to publish, exhibit, or reproduce all posters entered to promote the exhibition.