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Call for Entries: 11th United Designs Biennial 2023 Online

Messages to Humanity Poster

Submit before Monday, August 14
Acceptance Notification: Monday, September 28

Our world is in crisis because we lose ‘Love and Forgiveness’ over our desires. Greed leads us not to trust and care for our neighbors and living in the world. This exhibition is a collection of the messages — Love and Forgiveness — to realize our coexistence in this fragile world. Each nation and culture has positive quotations about ‘Love and Forgiveness’ designed to understand themselves as responsible citizens in society. These outstanding posters represent cultural quotations from around the world. Each designer expresses the message through the typography of his or her writing system.     

Most importantly, all participants share their kindness with a good heart. All visitors will realize our existence in the world from the exhibition of the designers’ personal experiences. Furthermore, we hope that designers and visitors will practice ‘Love and Forgiveness’ to make this world safe and harmonious for us and the next generation.


a. Poster Exhibition Title
Messages to Humanity

b. Exhibition Date
Wednesday, October 4 to Monday, November 13, 2023

c. Opening Reception & Gallery Talk
Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 10:00 am Texas, USA
Zoom (TBA)

d. Exhibition Location

e. Organizer
United Designs Alliance (UDA)

f. Curator
Robert Grame

Poster Design about your Messages to Humanity

200 designs and 200 participants from 30 nations

Chief Director:          
Dr. Albert Young Choi (UDA President Emeritus)
Mr. Robert Grame (UDA VP of Design Technology)
Mr. Juergen Hefele (UDA VP of Design Practice)
Ms. Sarah A. Meyer (UDA VP of Design Education)


UDA invites design professionals and educators in visual communication design to participate in the 11th United Designs 2023, an International Poster Exhibition.

Exhibition Objectives:
1. We strive to explore new visual communication and expressions.
2. We commit to bringing creativity to an intellectual level.
3. We care to contribute to human culture as visual cultivators.
4. We contribute and share our creativity without prejudice against color, convention, culture, economy, education, history, nationality, race, religion, sex, skill, and social status.

2>>>BASIC GUIDELINES (Important: No acceptance for all works not following the Basic Guidelines)
a. The theme of the exhibition is ’Love and Forgiveness.’
b. All participants must use their writing system and typographic design with a quotation from the participant’s cultural and national background.
c. Restrictions: Do not use religious, racial, gender, history, sexuality, feminism, or political issues.
d. Visual Audit: Typography is the dominant visual, and Image is the supportive visual
e. English translation of the quotation and concept statement must accompany the poster. Use an official entry form.

3>>>REQUIREMENTS (Important: No acceptance for all works not following the requirements)
01. Your design work: Participants may submit only one poster design.
– The participants must send a JEPG format file with 200dpi, A1 size (vertical format), and CMYK resolution.
– Must name your digital file(s) in the following order:
‘DESIGN’ (all capital letters), Country, and Your Name (first name & last name)
Ex. DESIGN_France_John Doe

02. A completed official entry form
– Must completely fill out the enclosed official entry form
– Must name your digital file in the following order:
‘FORM’ (all capital letters), Country, and Your Name (first name & last name)
Ex. FORM_USA_John Doe

03. A headshot photo
– The participants must send a JEPG format file (300dpi, 30x30mm, and Greyscale image (CMYK)).
– Must name your digital file in the following order:
‘SELF’ (all capital letters), Country, and Your Name (first name & last name)
Ex. SELF_China_John Doe

04. Upload your work and entry form to:

– All winners receive an Award Certificate via email.
E-book exhibition catalog: UDA will post an E-book in November.
– Published exhibition catalog: US $100 per copy.
– Pre-order published exhibition catalog(s) via PayPal account Please make sure you have the correct name and address.
*UDA will produce a minimum number of published exhibition catalogs. Pre-order a catalog before Monday, September 25, is strongly recommended.

Submission Deadline: Monday, August 14, 2023
UDA will announce all selected participants at by Monday, August 28, 2023

Copyright: The entrant will be responsible for all the entry’s copyright matters. All designs will become the Collection of United Designs Alliance. The United Designs Alliance reserves the right to use all entrants’ information and the right to publish, exhibit or reproduce all designs entered for the competition.