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UDA Webinar 2020 Vol. 2 of 5

Utilizing Market Segmentation and Targeting in Brand Design

Albert Young Choi

Tuesday, April 28 at 2:00 pm KST

Big companies supply the needs of an entire market, but most mid and small companies must breakdown the total demand into segments and choose those that the company can handle the best. In that perspective, companies utilize Market Segmentation, which is the process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demand characteristics. Its objective is to design a strategy that precisely matches the expectations of the target customers. Therefore, brand designers must utilize Market Segmentation to understand the target of a particular brand to design the best solution. To make a better understanding of using Market Segmentation in Brand Design, I am showing my successful project.

Webinar Contents

Welcoming and Presentation by
Albert Young Choi

UDA Emeritus President
Professor of Brand Design and Experience Design
Hanyang University ERICA, Korea

Response and Discussion
with all attendees

Final Remark by Presenter

In keeping with the UDA mission of celebrating global awareness and providing both educational and professional opportunities in communication design, UDA offers webinars. These events are one of many activities as we continue to develop our design awareness in society and culture.