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UDA carefully reviews applications with pride and without prejudice.

General Application Requirements

– Application Deadline: Apply once a year before the first Monday of November.
– Apply either self-motivation by the applicant or a recommendation from a UDA member.
– Minimum qualification: Professionals, educators, or researchers in Communication Design and Experience Design.
– Strong considerations: Your achievements in the field and/or your participation record in the previous UDA activities.

Membership Categories

– Director: To become an Executive Director, you must participate in four activities in two years. 
– Executive Director: Must participate in at least one event annually to maintain the position.
– Corporate Member: Annual Renewal

Membership Fees

– First-time Membership Fee: us$100 for the first year
– Annual Membership Fee: us$50/a year
– Lifetime Membership Fee: us$500/one-time
– Corporate Member Fee: us$500/a year
– Sponsor Member Fee: us$500/per event

Annual Membership Fee (US$50)

You must pay your annual membership fee (US$50) by the first Monday of December. 
We use only PayPal to receive your payment. You can send it via PayPal at
Please make sure you have the correct name and address.

First-time UDA Member Membership Application Process (Application deadline is the first Monday of December)

  1. Fill out a UDA Director Membership application form.
  2. Send your application form, headshot photo (JPEG image, 500px x 500px, RGB, 72dpi), and ten best designs/artworks (JPEG image, 500px x 500px, RGB, 72dpi) via The application deadline is the first Monday of November.
  3. After the UDA Headquarters reviews your application, we will email you the result (Accepted or Rejected) by the second Monday of November.
  4. You must pay your first-time membership fee (US$100) by the first Monday of December. After the first year, the annual membership fee is $50. We use only PayPal to receive your payment. Send your payment via PayPal at Please make sure you have the correct name and address.
  5. Design your introduction pages (2-page layout) for the UDA Annual using the provided InDesign template. Please follow the instructions from β€œNew Member_UDA Annual_Manual.pdf.” Submit your files (InDesign, PDF, and linked jpeg images with 300dpi, CMYK, 100%) by the first Monday of December.
  6. Your information will be published on the website and in upcoming publications.
  7. You can participate in all UDA Events.

UDA Corporate Member Membership Application Process (Application deadline is the ongoing process)

  1. Fill out a UDA Corporate Membership application form
  2. Send your application form, headshot photo image (JPEG image, 500px x 500px, RGB, 72dpi), a corporate identity logo (Adobe Illustrator EPS file), and ten best designs/artworks (JPEG image, 500px x 500px, RGB, 72dpi) via The application deadline is the first Monday of November.
  3. After the UDA Headquarters reviews your application, we will email you the result (Accepted or Rejected) by the second Monday of November.
  4. You must pay your Annual Corporate Membership fee (US$500) by the first Monday of December. We use only PayPal to receive your payment. Send your payment via PayPal at Please make sure you have the correct name and address.
  5. Design your introduction pages (2-page layout) for the UDA Annual using the provided InDesign template. Please follow the instructions from β€œNew Member_UDA Annual_Manual.pdf.” Submit your files (InDesign, PDF, and linked jpeg images with 300dpi, CMYK, 100%) by the first Monday of December.
  6. Your information will be published on the website and in upcoming publications.
  7. You can participate in all UDA Events.

Download an Application Form

UDA Memberships and Benefits Chart

CATEGORYFACTMEMBERParticipate in the Annual Members’ Showcase
Membership Fees*Annual membership fee is us$50 *First-time Membership Fee is us$100$50$0
General use of●●

Full member profile on●

Maintain portfolio in●

Contribute news/articles to●

Receive e-mail announcements●●

Opportunity to use UDA as an Event Name Sponsor●

Opportunity to host a UDA event●

Opportunity to participate UDA Webinars●●

Opportunity to be an Executive Director●

Opportunity to be a Juror (Cannot submit to the competition)●●

Recommend potential UDA Directors●

Member’s students can submit up to two designs per competition for free.●

Place an Ad in the publications as a sponsor● 50% price● Full price
UDA Annual International Design CompetitionMember’s students can submit up to two designs per competitions for free.●

Submit designs to β€œSigns, Systems, and Letterform Marks (SSL)”●●

Submit designs to β€œPoster Design”●●

Submit designs to ”Idea Design”●●
UDA ShowcaseSubmit a page for the Annual Showcase●
UDA WebinarsPropose and operate a webinar●

All UDA Webinars are invitation only.●●
UDA MedallionsHonored as a UDA Medallion●●
Design BehaviorSubmit papers●●

Confirmed by UDA Headquarters [12.2024]