Emotional Influence with Conversational Icon Designs
Young Ae Kim
Professor at the University of South Dakota
Friday, October 27, 2023, 10:00 am Central Time, USA

Happiness depends on many factors, from the obvious to the counterintuitive. Over several years an individual’s happiness becomes important in every aspect of their life. It used to be determined by luck, fate, and genes that are beyond our control. In the last few years, the idea of happiness has changed into something that we can control and teach. Understanding the user’s perception at the visceral level is like entering the brief moment of interaction that determines the first impression of a product. Human emotion is a momentary feeling and can be stimulated at the visceral level. As human beings, we want to be happy, and we seek things to make us smile every day. This webinar is about the study of the emotional influences by conversational icon designs over time.

Webinar Contents
Robert Grame
UDA Vice President
Young Ae Kim
Professor at the University of South Dakota
Discussion with all attendees
Final Remark by Mediator

About Presenter

Young Ae Kim is a professor at the University of South Dakota. She has a B.F.A. in Industrial Design from Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul, Korea, and she holds an M.F.A. in Graphic Design from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah, Georgia, as well as a Ph.D. in UX & UI Design of Human Factor Psychology, University of South Dakota. She got several design awards and grants nationally and internationally. She works with major clients, including Samsung, LG, Hyundai, Baskin Robbins, Nike, City Bank, etc.
Her research interests have contributed to a deeper understanding of how individual decision-making influences visualization & information receiving processes in both digital and physical environments and vice versa. Numerous factors often influence Human Behavior and process information differently. Recent research fields involve the user experience and emotional reaction in an immersive environment and data visualization.
In keeping with the UDA mission of celebrating global awareness and providing educational and professional opportunities in communication design, UDA offers webinars, one of many activities to develop our design awareness in society and culture.