The Vanishing Pixel
John Derry
Digital Painting Pioneer, Author: / Linkedin Learning, Photographer
Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 9:00 pm Dallas Time (USA)

In the beginning (of digital imaging), pixels were big…Really Big. And they couldn’t be avoided. Early pixels were like boulders strewn across a road. It was often necessary to drill down to the individual pixel level to make adjustments. Today, pixels have shrunk down to the digital equivalent of the atom —we don’t see them or even think about them, for that matter.
Beginning with the mid-80s, The Vanishing Pixel takes you on a tour of how advances in hardware have been responsible for shrinking pixel size. The result of this shrinkage brings us to today, where readily available high-resolution hardware —notably the display— enables amazing image creation and manipulation…you can even create images now with words via Artificial Intelligence. All of this is visualized by a mosaic of millions of organized pixels, each displaying the correct color for its specific location. All of this goes on without thought by the artist, designer, or viewer.
Join me for The Vanishing Pixel!

Webinar Contents
Robert Hower
UDA President
John Derry
Digital Painting Pioneer, Author: / Linkedin Learning, Photographer
Discussion with all attendees
Final Remark by Mediator

About Presenter

Since 1985, I have utilized my background in drawing and painting to advance the look and experience of traditional art-making tools on the computer. As one of the original authors of Corel Painter, I focused on developing and using digital tools for artistic expression. I created the first set of natural media brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS5’s Mixer Brush. My brushes are now in use around the world by millions of users. I have a BFA from the University of Nebraska/ Omaha and an MFA in Painting from Cranbrook Academy of Art/Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
In keeping with the UDA mission of celebrating global awareness and providing educational and professional opportunities in communication design, UDA offers webinars, one of many activities to develop our design awareness in society and culture.