Design Education for the Future
6th International Design Symposium
September 27-28, 2017 at 09:00-17:00
Shanghai City Xuhui
District Weding Road No. 258 D1-1
Shanghai, China

“The visuals distinguish culture from the cultures”
Albert Young Choi
President of United Designs Alliance
Design is a common word in the 21st century, and it is an essential word in technology and culture. As designers, we practice design what we learned in the school from the teachers 10, 20, or 30 years ago. The most important thing that I learned from my teacher is how to learn continuously from myself and my surroundings. As teachers, we try our best to bring out the best in our students and nurture them to see their possibilities. It leads our students to realize their dream and make it possible for them. Some University regulations make me hesitate what I suppose to do, but I believe teaching students to survive their own for their rest of life is essential, and they can do what they want to do most, design. Most of all, I try to teach them how to be responsible designers for our society and culture. Because design affects our society and culture in a short or long time, one who creates the design must have keen consciousness and responsibility. We are in different settings from 10, 20, and 30 years ago that we as designers need to manifest a new design education standard for the industrial revolution 4.0: Advanced computer, information, robotics, and Nanotechnology.
Therefore, we gather here in ‘New Design Education in the Future’ Colloquium and Conference meeting to share our ideas and experiences to find the direction of the new design education. United Designs Alliance is proudly announcing this historical event in Shanghai, China. For the next three days, we will be friends and colleagues to forehand the path of our new design education. I thank all participants: professors who dedicate this time to show their concerns to the high level, designers who share their experience as a mover of society and culture, clients who know the designs can change things, not numbers, and students who are never changing their age and maintain an empty canvas to paint a beautiful picture. I appreciate sponsors who believe this event can change our discipline and culture. Lastly, I thank UDA members from 30 nations who think the design is for humanity, and it is not about fortune.
因此我们聚集在“未来新设计教育”座谈会上分享想法和经验,并找出新设计教育的方向。今天在中国,在上海,联合设计联盟(United Designs Alliance)自豪地宣布这一历史性的一步。在接下来的三天里,我们会成为朋友和同事,为新设计教育的发展打出有力的一击。我感谢所有献出宝贵时间并对于学科保持高度关注的教授们;感谢作为社会和文化动力者分享经验的专业设计师们;感谢懂得设计可以改变事物而并不只是数字的客户们;感谢不会改变年龄并始终拥有空白画布去画出惊艳瞬间的学生们;感谢主办单位相信本次活动可以改变我们的学科和文化;最后,感谢来自30个国家的UDA成员,相信设计是为了人道精神而非金钱利益。

Design is a common word in the 21st century, and it is an essential word in technology and culture. To maintain and fortify our design disciplines in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, we as educators need to manifest its new standard and lead it to the apex of the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, we gather here to share our ideas to find its direction and collaborate it with the students and professionals.
– To lead the design education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
– To formulate an education/practice blueprint for the next 20 years
– To be leaders of the culture and business
– To create a healthy relationship in design education and practice

Symposium Moderator
Zhao, ZhiYong
Professor, Shanghai Normal University
VP and Executive Director of UDA
01) Han Ting, Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University
02) Lou Wenbing, Professor, East China Normal University
03) Sun Liqiang, Professor, Shanghai Institute of Technology
04) Jiang Tao, Chairman of Ellemore
05) Darcy Chang, Designer, CROX International Design Partner
06) Li Xiang, Chairman&CEO&Design Director of Weixiang Architectural Design
07) Zoe Zhang, CEO, Slash Academy
08) Wang Ye, Dr., Shanghai TongJi University
09) Pang Ming, Professor, Shanghai Normal University
10) Sun Xia, Operations Director of Shanghai ShengShang Culture Communication Co.Ltd
11) Zhao Zhiyong, Professor, Shanghai Normal University
01) Albert Young Choi, Professor, Hanyang University ERICA Campus
02) Park Moogun, Designer, Flying Bus Brand Design Company